AI With Heart

Indigenous powered AI

wâsikan kisewâtisiwin corrects unconscious bias or racism directed to Indigenous Peoples in written materials.

Our vision is to create AI from a matriarchal & fair perspective to benefit humanity. First Peoples are centered in the development to ensure this critical piece of infrastructure is built without furthering harm to our communities.

wâsikan kisewâtisiwin
wuh-see-gah-n key-su-wat-su-win

Our name directly translates to kind electricity in nêhiyawêwin (Cree). Through a naming ceremony, Elder Theresa Strawberry from O’Chiese First Nation shared this name with us. She shared the name refers to the feeling people may have when they hear thunder. Fear can take over because it can sound scary, however we must be reminded of the kindness and safety the sound brings. It should remind us that the Thunderbird is bringing the gift of rain - it brings water to cleanse and provide sustenance on earth.

wâsikan kisewâtisiwin is a writing tool using artificial intelligence to assist non-Indigenous people in their efforts to write about Indigenous People. Like other plug-in subscription tools that assist writers with grammar and spelling, wâsikan kisewâtisiwin will correct unconscious bias or racism in written material. 

First Peoples take on the emotional labour of educating Canadians. Whether it is about who we are, our traditional ways or our complex history with settlers and colonized governments.

In an effort to support our communities, we have developed a tool that identifies problematic statements and kindly corrects with factual information about First Peoples. Our AI has been educated by Indigenous People and will continue to be developed by and with Indigenous Peoples.

Our mission is to involve Indigenous People in the creation of artificial intelligence to develop a critical piece of infrastructure with our perspective to prevent further harm to First Peoples living in Canada.
— Shani Gwin, Founder